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quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008

Heath Ledger morre acidentalmente

Está confirmado que Heath Ledger morreu de overdose acidental.
De acordo com o resultado dos últimos exames ao sangue do actor, foram detectadas várias substâncias que tinham sido receitadas pelo seu médico.
O relatório da toxicidade afirma que Heath faleceu devido a uma intoxicação derivada da combinação dos efeitos de Valium, Ativan, Xanax, Restoril, entre outros.
Primeiro Heath tomou uma primeira dose...depois deve ter achado que já tinha passado tempo suficiente para tomar a outra dose de novos comprimidos, sem saber que no seu corpo ainda estava uma elevada concentração da dose anterior.
Fica assim provado que se pode diferenciar uma overdose suicida de uma overdose acidental.

O pai, Kim Ledger, fez o seguintes comentários relativamente aos últimos desenvolvimentos:

“We remain humble as parents and a family, among millions of people worldwide who may have suffered the tragic loss of a child. Few can understand the hollow, wrenching, and enduring agony parents silently suffer when a child predeceases them. Today’s results put an end to speculation, but our son’s beautiful spirit and enduring memory will forever remain in our hearts. While no medications were taken in excess, we learned today the combination of doctor-prescribed drugs proved lethal for our boy. Heath’s accidental death serves as a caution to the hidden dangers of combining prescription medication, even at low dosage."

“Our family enjoyed an extremely happy two week visit with Heath just prior to the New Year. Those recent precious days will stay with us forever. We as a family feel privileged to have some of his amazing magic moments captured in film. To most of the world Heath was an actor of immeasurable talent and promise. To those who knew him personally, Heath was a consummate artist whose passions also included photography, music, chess and directing. We knew Heath as a loving father, as our devoted son, and as a loyal and generous brother and friend."

“We treasure our beautiful granddaughter Matilda (to our dear Michelle) as well as an unbelievably wonderful network of close friends, forever, around the world. Families rarely experience the uplifting, warm and massive outpouring of grief and support as have we, from every corner of the planet. This has deeply and profoundly touched our hearts and lives. We are eternally grateful."

“At this moment we respectfully request the worldwide media allow us time to grieve privately, without the intrusions associated with press and photography.”
Source: Just Jared

2 comentários:

Magali disse...

Nunca duvidei que tinha sido um acidente, esperemos que as revistas cor de rosa não se ponham agora a inventar.

Porcelain disse...

Meu Deus... que maneira mais desconcertante de morrer!
